Dream Maker 老漂 不要有和人斗的心,你要赢的是你自己!


组图简介: 鹤庆马厂海拔3000多米,盛产土豆,每年的7月是土豆花盛开的季节,景色优美


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发布: 老漂 分类: 精彩|收藏 评论: 0 浏览: 184


组图简介: 江东村分布着2000多亩集中连片的古银杏树,其中树龄已百年的银杏树达3000余株,被誉为“古银杏生态村”。

Tags: 大理 银杏

发布: 老漂 分类: 精彩|收藏 评论: 0 浏览: 131

民政部推荐结婚誓词 面对国旗国徽宣读

北京日报1月14日报道 新人婚登领证前,可以在主持人带领下宣誓“互相忠实”,认真审视婚姻的责任。昨天,民政部向婚登机构推出4种版本的结婚登记颁证词,供新人婚登领证时宣誓使用。



发布: 老漂 分类: 精彩|收藏 评论: 0 浏览: 263


1 GB for web 
10 GB traffic 
no guarantee 
no technical support 
no backup 
no SMTP server 
no domain server 
PHP, ASP, JSP scripts and servlets support 
Unlimited number of emails, aliases, forwards and basket 
Access via FTP/s, WebFTP, WebDAV and Subversion 
E-mail accounts administration through web interface 
Mail access through POP3/s, IMAP/s and WebMail 
DNS management incl. DNS administration 
Support of WAP pages, cron, custom limits and quotas。 

Love to be loved by you

I can't believe I'm standing here
Been waiting for so many years and
Today I found the Queen to reign my heart
You changed my live so patiently
And turned it into something good and real
I feel just like I felt in all my dreams
There are questions hard to answer
Can't you see…

Tags: music love

发布: 老漂 分类: 音乐|故事 评论: 1 浏览: 494



Tags: 心情

发布: 老漂 分类: 心情|思考 评论: 0 浏览: 255

How to brew a good cup of Chinese tea?

Tea is a very important part of the Chinese culture. Chinese have drunk tea since ancient times and so they have a wide range of knowledge and experience with tea and tea making. There are some very important steps in tea making. The first of which is to choose the right tea, the second, choosing good water and the third is to choose a tea container. The fourth step is to select the right temperature at which to brew the tea.

The first and most important step is to choose good tea. Generally, Chinese tea is divided into white tea, Oolong tea, black tea and green teas and floral (herbal) teas.
There are five methods for choosing tea. The five methods are referred to as Xin, Gau, Jun, Xiang, and Jing. The Xin method is to choose fresh tea, never using bitter or dull-fragranced teas. Gan means that the tea leaves need to have low moisture content (less than 6%). When tea is rubbed between the fingers, it should be easily made into a fine powder that would quickly fly away. Jun is the fashion in which you choose the right tea leaves. In choosing tea leaves, knowing how to select the right thickness and color is very important. The thickness of the leaves should be even and the color should be without any burned marks (which could result from roasting). Also, the leaves should not display too many crumbs or any moles. Xiang means the fragrance of the tea should have a soft scent without any burnt or sour smells. Jing means that tea shouldn't contain any foreign substances. The best floral(herbal) teas have deep but fresh, pure scents. There are several ways to make good floral tea. One way is to collect the tea leaves and keep them in a special tight container, letting them sit as long as one year. Certain floral teas taste better and smell better the longer that they stay in the container. For example, Xi-lu-long-jing, Gi-qiang, and Mo-gan-huaug-ya teas are to remain in the container called Sheug-shi-hui-gang for 1-2 months. The color and scent of the tea improves as it stays in the container, compared to it's condition with no time spent in the container. However, teas like Yun-nan-ouer-cha produce deeper flavors with better fragrances when they remain in the containers for a year.

Tags: 英文

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