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解决fastcgi PHP "No input file specified"

打开一个页面<?php  phpinfo(); ?>  然后在游览器下运行 结

No input file specified.


FastCGI模式下访问php文件时,出现No input file specified.错误

Tags: php FastCGI

发布: 老漂 分类: 网站|站长 评论: 0 浏览: 86

FastCGI Error Error Number: 5 (0x80070005)

FastCGI Error
The FastCGI Handler was unable to process the request.

Error Details:

Error Number: 5 (0x80070005).

Tags: FastCGI php

发布: 老漂 分类: 网站|站长 评论: 0 浏览: 59