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使用FTP Serv-U安装FTPSERVER的朋友,可以使用Serv-U符号信息参数来向CLIENT端显示一些重要的信息。
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220-==============================
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220-服务器状态:
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220-现在时间:22:35:40, 在过去24小时共有 1578 人访问本服务器。
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220-本服务器已经运行 0 天 11 小时 37 分 55 秒
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220-磁盘空闲空间:1098.11 Mb
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220-总登录用户数: 1121 total
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220-当前用户数: 10 / 40
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220-总下载数据量: 8713447 Kb
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220-总上传数据量: 291923 Kb
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220-总下载文件数: 2391
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220-总上传文件数: 15
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220-平均流量: 215.105 Kb/sec
Mon Dec 10 22:32:46 2001 220 当前流量: 68.511 Kb/sec
Sign-on/sign-off messages 签入/出信息
User specific login messages 用户指定登录信息
Directory change messages 目录改变信息

这些符号参数都是以 "%" 号开头的,下面是完整列表

Time/date:  时间部分
%Time - displays the current time on your PC 服务器端的当前时间
%Date - displays the current date on your PC Server 服务器端的当前日期

statistics:  状态统计部分
%ServerDays - displays the number of days the server has been running 服务器已运行时间(天数)
%ServerHours - displays the number of hours the server has been running 服务器已运行时间(小时)
%ServerMins - displays the number of minutes the server has been up  服务器已运行时间(分钟)
%ServerSecs - displays the number of seconds the server has been up 服务器已运行时间(秒)
%ServerKbUp - displays the no. Kbytes uploaded to the server since server start 本次启动以来服务器接收的字节数
%ServerKbDown - displays the no. Kb downloaded from the server since server start 本次启动以来服务器发送的字节数
%ServerFilesUp - displays the no. of files uploaded to the server since server start 本次启动以来服务器接收的文件数
%ServerFilesDown - displays the no. of files downloaded from the server since server start 本次启动以来服务器发送的文件数

%LoggedInAll - displays total no. of logged in users since server start 本次启动以来登录本机的用户数
%ServerAvg - displays the average server throughput since server start 本次启动以来服务器平均吞吐能力
%ServerKBps - displays current server bandwidth use 当前服务器带宽占用

Server settings:  服务器设置

%MaxUsers - displays the maximum no. of users, as set in "Setup - Server" 最大用户数
%MaxAnonymous - the maximum no. of anonymous users, as set in "Setup - Server" 最大匿名登录用户数

User info: 用户设置
%Name - displays the user's login name 显示用户的登录名
%IP - displays the user's IP number or name if available 显示登录用户的IP
%Dir - displays the user's current directory 显示用户当前所在目录
%Disk - displays the user's current disk drive 显示用户的当前磁盘
%DFree - displays the amount of free space on the user's current disk in Kb 显示可用的空间
%FUp - displays the number of files uploaded by the current user 当前用户上传数
%FDown - displays the number of files downloaded 当前用户下载数
%FTot - displays the total number of files transferred 显示当前用户传输的文件总数
%BUp - displays the number of Kbytes uploaded by the user 显示当前用户上传的字节总数
%Bdown - displays the number of Kbytes downloaded by the user 显示当前用户下载的字节总数
%BTot - displays the total number of Kbytes transferred 显示当前用户传输的字节总数
%TconM - displays the total connect time in minutes 显示连接时间(分钟)
%TconS - displays the connect time in seconds - to be used with "%tconm" 显示连接时间(秒)
%RatioUp - displays the "upload" ratio part for UL/DL ratios 显示当前用户上传/下载比率中的"上传百分比"
%RatioDown - displays the "download" ratio part for UL/DL ratios 显示当前用户上传/下载比率中的"下载百分比"
%RatioCredit - displays the current download credit for UL/DL ratios (Kb or "files") 显示当前用户还可以下载的字节数

%QuotaUsed - displays how much disk quota is used in Kb 显示配额已使用部分
%QuotaLeft - displays how much disk quota is left in Kb 显示配额剩余部分
%QuotaMax - displays the maximum amount of disk space that can be used in Kb Number of users: 磁盘最大可用字节数
%UNow - displays the current number of Serv-U users connected 当前连接在服务器上的人数
%UAll - displays the number of users since the server was started 本次启动以来连接过本服务器的用户数
%U24h - displays the number of users in the last 24 hours 二十四小时以来连接过本服务器的用户数
%UAnonAll - all currently logged in anonymous users 当前连接在服务器上的匿名用户数
%UAnonThisIP - all anonymous users logged into this IP home
%UNonAnonAll - all non-anonymous users currently logged in
%UNonAnonThisIP - all non-anonymous users logged into this IP home
%UThisName - all current users with the current user name logged into this IP home下


欢迎你在%date %time 访问我们的服务器, 你是第 %unow 个用户,最大
用户数为 %maxusers,在上24小时以来,共有 %u24h个朋友访问这里。


%Disk - 用户当前磁盘驱动器
%DFree - 用户当前剩余空间(KB)
%QuotaMax - 最大可用磁盘空间(KB)

以便给上传的朋友知道现在的空间可用情况 。

Menu-->setup--->users...---->Quota: Enable disk quota: Maximum: XXXMB
%QuotaUsed - 已使用多小配额空间(KB)
%QuotaLeft - 还有多小配额空间可以用(kb)
%QuotaMax - 设定的配额


Serv-U FTP Server can display various types of messages:

?Sign-on/sign-off messages

?User specific login messages

?Directory change messages

There are several symbolic parameters that can be entered in the message text. These parameters are expanded while being sent to a client. They all begin with '%'. Here is the complete list:


%Time- displays the current time on your PC
%Date- displays the current date on your PC

Server statistics

%ServerDays- displays the number of days the server has been running
%ServerHours- displays the number of hours the server has been running
%ServerMins- displays the number of minutes the server has been up
%ServerSecs- displays the number of seconds the server has been up
%ServerKbUp- displays the no. Kbytes uploaded to the server since server start
%ServerKbDown- displays the no. Kb downloaded from the server since server start
%ServerFilesUp- displays the no. of files uploaded to the server since server start

%ServerFilesDown- displays the no. of files downloaded from the server since server start
%LoggedInAll- displays total no. of logged in users since server start
%ServerAvg- displays the average server throughput since server start
%ServerKBps- displays current server bandwidth use

Server settings

%MaxUsers- displays the maximum no. of users, as set in 'Settings - Domain'
%MaxAnonymous- the maximum no. of anonymous users, as set in 'Settings - Domain'

User info

%Name- displays the user's login name
%IP- displays the user's IP number or name if available
%Dir- displays the user's current directory
%Disk- displays the user's current disk drive
%DFree- displays the amount of free space on the user's current disk in Mb
%FUp- displays the number of files uploaded by the current user
%FDown- displays the number of files downloaded
%FTot- displays the total number of files transferred
%BUp- displays the number of Kbytes uploaded by the user

%Bdown- displays the number of Kbytes downloaded by the user
%BTot- displays the total number of Kbytes transferred
%TconM- displays the total connect time in minutes
%TconS- displays the connect time in seconds - to be used with '%tconm'
%RatioUp- displays the 'upload' ratio part for UL/DL ratios
%RatioDown- displays the 'download' ratio part for UL/DL ratios
%RatioCredit- displays the current download credit for UL/DL ratios (Kb or 'files')
%QuotaUsed- displays how much disk quota is used in Kb

%QuotaLeft- displays how much disk quota is left in Kb
%QuotaMax- displays the maximum amount of disk space that can be used in Kb

Number of users

%UNow- displays the current number of Serv-U users connected
%UAll- displays the number of users since the server was started
%U24h- displays the number of users in the last 24 hours
%UAnonAll- all currently logged in anonymous users
%UAnonThisIP - all anonymous users logged into this IP home
%UNonAnonAll - all non-anonymous users currently logged in
%UNonAnonThisIP- all non-anonymous users logged into this IP home
%UThisName- all current users with the current user name logged into this IP home

The file upload and download message directives are for the current session only (i.e. they do not show the aggregate over multiple sessions).

The '%ServerDays', '%ServerHours', '%ServerMins', and '%ServerSecs' directives are meant for use together. The number of hours is what's left after the number of days is subtracted, and the same goes for the number of minutes and seconds.

Example Message

Welcome to ftp.cat-soft.com, home of Serv-U!
Local time is %time, and %u24h users have visited over the last 24 hours. This server has been up for %ServerDays days, %ServerHours hours, %ServerMins min. and %ServerSecs sec.

Server stats:
Users logged in: %loggedInAll total
Current users: %Unow
Kb downloaded: %ServerKbDown Kb
Kb uploaded: %ServerKbUp Kb
Files downloaded: %ServerFilesDown
Files uploaded: %ServerFilesUp
Average througput: %ServerAvg Kb/sec
Current througput: %ServerKBps Kb/sec

Please keep in mind that the average client has only 80 characters per line, and the first four are taken up by the reply code. Please be brief, 70 characters should generally be considered a safe maximum.

Serv-U Help - Copyright ?1995-2001 Cat-Soft, All Rights Reserved

本地时间是%Date %Time
自本站开通以来共上传/下载 |%ServerKbUpKB/%ServerKbDownKB
自本站开通以来共上传/下载 |%ServerFilesUp个/%ServerFilesDown个
服务器当前流量|%ServerKBps Kb/sec
服务器平均流量|%ServerAvg Kb/sec
你目前的空间容量为 |%QuotaMax/KB
你目前总共使用了 |%QuotaUsed/KB
你目前的空间剩余 |%QuotaLeft/KB

   欢迎来自 %IP 的朋友访问 来子 的FTP服务器!
   本站开通以来已接通 %UAll 位使用者
   服务器%Disk盘上还有%DFree MBytes的剩余空间。
   过去 24 小时总共有 %U24h 次连接。
   本次流量统计→下载:%ServerKbDownK 上传:%ServerKbUpK。




%Time - 显示您电脑的当前时间
%Date - 显示您电脑的当前日期


%ServerDays - 显示开启FTP服务后总的运行天数
%ServerHours - 显示开启FTP服务后总的运行小时数
%ServerMins - 显示开启FTP服务后总的运行分钟数
%ServerSecs - 显示开启FTP服务后总的运行秒数(K
%ServerKbUp - 显示开启FTP服务后总共上传的字节数(K
%ServerKbDown - 显示开启FTP服务后总共下载的字节数
%ServerFilesUp - 显示开启FTP服务后总共上传的文件数
%ServerFilesDown- 显示开启FTP服务后总共下载的文件数
%LoggedInAll - 显示开启FTP服务后总共登陆的用户数
%ServerAvg - 显示开启FTP服务后平均吞吐量
%ServerKBps - 显示服务器当前带宽


%MaxUsers - 显示最大用户数量(在本地服务器-->设置中)
%MaxAnonymous - 显示最大匿名用户数量(在本地服务器-->设置中)


%Name - 显示用户登录名称
%IP - 显示用户登录IP或名称
%Dir - 显示用户当前目录
%Disk - 显示用户当前磁盘驱动器名
%DFree - 显示用户在当前磁盘的剩余空间(单位K
%FUp - 显示当前用户上传的文件数
%FDown - 显示用户下载的文件数
%FTot - 显示用户总共传送的文件数
%BUp - 显示用户总共上传的字节数(单位K
%Bdown - 显示用户总共下载的字节数(单位K
%BTot - 显示用户总共传送的字节数(单位K
%TconM - 显示用户总共连接时间分钟数
%TconS - 显示用户总共连接时间秒数 - 配合 ''%tconm'' 使用
%RatioUp - 显示上传/下载率的上传率部分
%RatioDown - 显示上传/下载率的下载率部分
%RatioCredit - 显示当前用户的下载信任(上传/下载率)
%QuotaUsed - 显示当前已使用的磁盘配额(单位K

%QuotaLeft - 显示当前还剩余的磁盘配额(单位K
%QuotaMax - 显示能使用的磁盘最大空间


%UNow - 显示当前连接的用户数
%UAll - 显示开启FTP服务后总共连接的用户数
%U24h - 显示最近24小时连接的用户数
%UAnonAll - 显示当前匿名登录的用户数
%UAnonThisIP - all anonymous users logged into this IP home
%UNonAnonAll - 显示当前非匿名登录的用户数
%UNonAnonThisIP - all non-anonymous users logged into this IP home
%UThisName - all current users with the current user name logged into this IP home

欢迎访问动感论坛AAA''s FTP服务器下载软件
服务器已经运行了%ServerDays 天、%ServerHours 小时、%ServerMins 分钟,
共有%LoggedInAll 个用户登录,共下载软件%ServerKbDownKB;
现在共有%UNow 个用户连接服务器,
您的登录用户名是 %Name,IP是%IP,总连接时间 %tconm 分钟,
有 %UThisName 个使用当前用户名连入,


Tags: serv-u

发布: 老漂 分类: 网站|站长 评论: 0 浏览: 55