Dream Maker 老漂 不要有和人斗的心,你要赢的是你自己!


美国麦当劳(McDonald's)近日重新供应广受欢迎的四川辣酱(Szechuan sauce),可是由于供应不足让粉丝们失望而归。好多地方出现了游行抗议活动。麦当劳随后宣布,将在冬季再次供应这款辣酱。但很多人表示:受不了了!我要吃四川……


【鲸视频:麦当劳推四川辣酱引爆全美 千人排队 冲警察喊口号要辣酱】近日,美国各地的麦当劳出现示威及混乱,更有顾客大打出手,要召警求助。原来混乱的源头,是一款四川辣酱近日再推出特别限量版,但却供不应求,惹怒了排队抢购的顾客。

Rick and Morty team 'not happy' with McDonalds Schezwan sauce fiasco

Following The Great McDonalds Szechuan Sauce Insurrection of 2017, the creators of Rick and Morty want their legions of frustrated sauce-seeking fans to know they are “not happy” with how the Golden Arches handled the rather golden publicity opportunity the Adult Swim series inadvertently handed them this summer.

Here’s the shortest possible version of what’s happened so far to catch you up: Rick and Morty did a gag early in season 3 that longed for the return of a short-lived McNuggets sauce that was a tie-in to the 1998 animated film Mulan. Fans then lobbied McDs for the return of said sauce. The fast-food chain announced it was going to bring the sauce back — but only in insanely limited quantities made available at a specific time last Saturday in select restaurants, causing fans who lined up to go utterly sauce-less. The small packets of the sauce were being sold on eBay for $25 or more.

Here’s a scene in one restaurant:

Here at the San Jose Mcdonalds. This is our reaction to the shortage of #szechuansauce #giveusthesauce #rickandmortypic.twitter.com/sIGaUZKDKj

— Kevin Alberi (@Chauncey_Boy) October 7, 2017

Now here’s co-creator Justin Roiland with his reaction to the Szechuan shortage:

FYI: We had nothing to do with this McDonald's stuff. Not happy w/how this was handled. Please be cool to the employees it's not their fault

— Justin Roiland (@JustinRoiland) October 8, 2017

McDonalds also apologized for the roll out in a Rick and Morty-reference-filled tweet:

You spoke. We’ve listened. Lots more #SzechuanSauce and locations. Details soon. And that’s the wayyy the news goes! pic.twitter.com/ooIrbZBsOw

— McDonald's (@McDonalds) October 8, 2017

Co-creator Dan Harmon previously assured EW that fans really aren’t missing all that much. “I personally thought it was a sauce that was trying too hard in a world where with McNuggets sauce you just want something to taste like honey or like a BBQ sauce,” said Harmon. “It was sauce that was trying to prove it was different and in doing so it worked harder than a sauce 


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