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Dream Maker 老漂 不要有和人斗的心,你要赢的是你自己!


As another year reaches its closure, we remember and honor the events, the music, the stars, the good and the bad times of 


With the passing of many iconic giants and the many terrorist attacks or wars around the world this year, I've learned that 

you never know when your time with someone will be your last, and you need to cherish every moment you have with the people 

you love.

Yeah, everybody wished we could freeze the moments. But life keeps going on and on, we all get old, and we can’t hold on 

to everything. Every time we lose something or somebody we love is a lesson to help us see the meaning of life.

 Not only have we grown old, but also grown up. In the end, we let go, and live better right here, right now.

This was the main inspiration behind the finale post in 2017, sorrowful yet hopeful, gloomy but iridescent.

One beautiful day, in search of a cup of coffee to start the day, the boy was walking from west to east, while the girl, 

was walking from east to west, but along the same narrow street in the 望京 neighborhood of Beijing. They passed each other 

in the very center of the street. Without a word, they passed each other, disappearing into the crowd.



发布: 老漂 分类: 精彩|收藏 评论: 0 浏览: 82